Animal Jokes

Monkey Jokes Unpeeled: Bananas for Laughs

Monkey jokes have a timeless appeal that spans generations, captivating audiences with playful humor and whimsical scenarios.

These jokes often hinge on monkeys’ mischievous and curious nature, creatures known for their intelligence and often human-like behaviors.

Their antics, both in the wild and in various forms of storytelling, provide a rich source of humor that resonates with both children and adults alike.

As we explore the world of monkey jokes, we dive into a realm of laughter and light-heartedness, where the only thing to expect is the unexpected.

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Funny Monkey Jokes 

Funny Monkey Jokes - Joke Shock
  1. Why don’t monkeys use pocket watches? Because they prefer to hang around with time!
  2. What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear? Anything you want, it can’t hear you!
  3. Why did the monkey like the banana? Because it had appeal!
  4. What do you call a monkey in a minefield? A baboom!
  5. Why did the monkey get lost? Because the jungle is massive!
  6. What do you call an angry monkey? Furious George!
  7. Why was the monkey at the doctor’s office? It had banana-itis!
  8. How do monkeys get down the stairs? They slide down the banana-ster!
  9. What’s a monkey’s favorite game? Hangman!
  10. Why did the monkey cross the road? To get to the banana shop!
  11. What do you call a monkey with a wand? Hairy Potter!
  12. How do you catch a monkey? Climb a tree and act like a banana!
  13. Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle? Too many cheetahs!
  14. What do you call a monkey in a blizzard? A snow flake!
  15. What did the banana say to the monkey? Nothing, bananas can’t talk!
  16. Why did the monkey put a net on his head? He wanted to catch his thoughts!
  17. What do you call a monkey who loves potato chips? A chipmunk!
  18. Why did the monkey like the baseball game? It went bananas over the bats!
  19. What do you call a restaurant that only serves bananas? A monkey diner!
  20. Why was the monkey always happy? Because it never frowned upon a banana!
  21. What’s a monkey’s favorite cookie? Chocolate chimp!
  22. Why don’t monkeys use computers? They’re afraid of the web!
  23. What kind of key opens a banana? A monkey key!
  24. What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear? Anything you want, it can’t hear you!
  25. Why did the monkey paint his toenails red? To hide in the cherry tree!
  26. How do monkeys get their exercise? Monkey bars!
  27. What do you call a monkey that sells potato chips? A chipmonk!
  28. What’s a monkey’s least favorite month? Ape-ril!
  29. Why did the monkey go to school? To improve his ape-titude!
  30. What do you call a monkey with a hat and a wand? Hairy Houdini!
  31. How do you make a monkey laugh? Tell it a tail joke!
  32. What do you call a baby monkey? A chimp off the old block!
  33. Why do monkeys never get lost? They use the jungle vines!
  34. What’s a monkey’s favorite TV show? The Grape Ape Show!
  35. Why did the monkey refuse the banana? It wasn’t peeling well!

Read more: Rizz Jokes

Classroom Monkey Jokes 

Classroom Monkey Jokes - Joke Shock
  1. Why did the monkey get an award at school? Because he was the top banana in his class!
  2. What’s a monkey’s favorite subject in school? Ape-gebra!
  3. Why did the monkey take a ladder to school? He heard the classes were high!
  4. How do monkey students get to class on time? They swing from subject to subject!
  5. What do you call a monkey who loves to learn? A chim-pan-scholar!
  6. Why was the monkey always at the top of his class? He had a great ape-titude for learning!
  7. What kind of homework do monkeys like to do? Written ape-signments!
  8. Why did the monkey bring a banana to school? For some brain food during the test!
  9. What did the monkey say to his teacher when he finished his assignment early? “I’m done, it was a piece of banana cake!”
  10. Why don’t monkeys cheat on their tests? They don’t want to be caught red-handed!
  11. What do you call a monkey who’s good at math? A prime-ate!
  12. Why did the monkey get detention? He was monkeying around in class too much!
  13. What’s a monkey’s favorite part of the school day? Recess, because they get to hang around!
  14. Why was the teacher worried about the monkey student? He kept going bananas during the lessons!
  15. What school supply do monkeys love the most? Ape-rasers!
  16. Why did the monkey love history class? He wanted to learn about the great apes of the past!
  17. How do monkey students write their essays? With their ape-typewriters!
  18. What did the monkey say after acing the banana-ology exam? “It was all in a day’s twerk!”
  19. Why did the monkey get excited about the art class? He loved to draw self-paw-traits!
  20. What did the teacher say to the monkey who wouldn’t stop talking? “No more monkey business, it’s time to focus!”

Read more: Deez Nuts Jokes

Business Like Monkey Jokes 

  1. Why did the monkey get promoted? Because he was great at ape-roaching new clients!
  2. What do you call a monkey in a suit? The branch manager!
  3. Why did the monkey start a banana business? He thought it would be a-peeling to investors!
  4. How do monkeys end a business meeting? By saying, “Let’s split!”
  5. What did the monkey say in the job interview? “I’m great at multitasking, I can juggle many tasks at once!”
  6. Why did the monkey get a job at the bank? He was good at monkey business!
  7. What’s a monkey’s favorite part of a business report? The pie charts, because they remind them of banana cream pies!
  8. Why was the monkey always calm during business negotiations? He knew how to keep his cool under primate pressure!
  9. What do you call a monkey who’s good at PowerPoint presentations? A slide-ruler!
  10. Why did the monkey wear a tie? He thought it was important to look present-ape-ble at work!
  11. What did the monkey entrepreneur say when his business expanded? “It’s time to branch out!”
  12. How do monkeys make business decisions? They go with their gut and banana-lyze the situation!
  13. Why did the monkey get a job in tech support? He was an expert at web-swinging!
  14. What’s a monkey’s favorite business model? Banana Republic!
  15. Why did the monkey refuse the coffee at work? He preferred to stay on the vine and alert!
  16. What did the monkey say after closing a big deal? “It’s time to go bananas!”
  17. Why did the monkey take a briefcase to work? He wanted to look like the big gorilla in the office!
  18. How do monkeys brainstorm? They think outside the box and inside the jungle!
  19. Why was the monkey a great team leader? He knew how to get everyone swinging in the same direction!
  20. What did the monkey say after a successful business launch? “That was a vine achievement!”

Monkey Jokes in Jungle

  1. Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle? Too many cheetahs around!
  2. What do you call a monkey who loves to take risks? A daredev-ape!
  3. Why did the monkey like the banana? Because it found it a-peeling in the jungle!
  4. How do monkeys get from tree to tree in the jungle? They swing on the vine highway!
  5. What’s a monkey’s favorite kind of music in the jungle? Jungle beats!
  6. Why was the monkey always lost in the jungle? I couldn’t find the right tree address!
  7. What do you call a monkey with a flower behind its ear? A jungle fashionista!
  8. Why did the monkey make friends with the toucan? Because it wanted a bird’s eye view of the jungle!
  9. What do monkeys do when they get angry in the jungle? They go bananas!
  10. Why did the monkey stop playing hide and seek? Because it was always spotted in the leopard’s den!
  11. How do monkeys stay safe in the jungle? They never monkey around near the lions!
  12. What’s a monkey’s favorite game in the jungle? Tree-opoly!
  13. Why did the monkey eat the banana in the jungle? Because it couldn’t find a banana split!
  14. What do you call a monkey who loves to jump in the jungle? A jump-anzee!
  15. Why did the monkey refuse to start a fire in the jungle? It didn’t want to be accused of monkeying with nature!
  16. How do monkeys greet each other in the jungle? With a vine handshake!
  17. Why did the monkey paint itself green? It wanted to blend in with the jungle leaves!
  18. What do you call a young monkey who misbehaves in the jungle? A chimp off the old block!
  19. How do monkeys get their news in the jungle? Through the grapevine!
  20. Why did the monkey sit on the riverbank in the jungle? I wanted to watch the Amazon stream!
  21. What’s a monkey’s favorite snack in the jungle? Nuts and bananas – it’s the ultimate jungle mix!
  22. Why did the monkey refuse to play chess in the jungle? It was a game of too many pawns and not enough kings!
  23. What do monkeys use to cut vines in the jungle? Their sharp wit and a bit of monkey magic!
  24. Why did the monkey organize a party in the jungle? It wanted to add more swing to the jungle life!
  25. How do monkeys make a toast in the jungle? With a bunch of bananas and a hearty “To the wild life!”

Bookish Monkey Jokes 

  1. Why did the monkey bring a book to the party? He wanted to add some novel-ty to the evening!
  2. What’s a monkey’s favorite classic novel? “Grape Expectations”!
  3. Why do monkeys make great librarians? They’re excellent at organizing the branches!
  4. How do monkeys read books? By peeling through the pages!
  5. What kind of books do monkeys like? Ones with good tails!
  6. Why was the monkey confused in the library? Too many titles to swing from!
  7. What’s a monkey’s favorite book genre? Banana-tasy!
  8. Why don’t monkeys write novels? They’re too busy with monkey business!
  9. How do monkeys get their books? Through jungle delivery!
  10. What do you call a monkey who loves Shakespeare? A Bard-boon!
  11. Why did the monkey sit on the book? It wanted to absorb some knowledge!
  12. What’s a monkey’s least favorite book? “The Banana-less Diet”!
  13. Why do monkeys love book clubs? They get to go bananas over plot twists!
  14. What did the monkey say after finishing a mystery novel? “That was un-bear-ably good!”
  15. How do you know if a monkey likes a book? It gives it ape-plus reviews!
  16. Why did the monkey write a book? To say he had a tale to tell!
  17. What’s a monkey’s favorite book about space? “The Grape Ape-dventure”!
  18. Why did the monkey read a book about time travel? He wanted to go back to the days of Vine and Dandy!
  19. What do you call a monkey who writes poetry? A rhyme-ate!
  20. Why did the monkey keep returning the book to the library? It wasn’t peeling to him!
  21. What’s a monkey’s favorite detective story? “Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Bananas”!
  22. How do monkeys discuss literature? They chatter about the characters!
  23. Why did the monkey write its autobiography? It thought its life was legendary!
  24. What did the monkey librarian say to the noisy readers? “Please keep it down, this is not a jungle gym!”
  25. Why did the monkey take a break from reading? It needed to stretch its tail, not just its imagination!

Drunk Monkey Jokes 

  1. Why did the monkey refuse a second drink? He couldn’t handle the hang-overs!
  2. What do you call a monkey who loves cheap wine? A grape-ape!
  3. Why did the monkey stagger home? Too many banana daiquiris!
  4. How do you know if a monkey’s had too much to drink? It starts seeing double and acting bananas!
  5. Why did the monkey sit on the bar stool all night? He wanted to monkey around with the cocktail menu!
  6. What’s a monkey’s favorite cocktail? A banana margarita with extra peel!
  7. Why did the monkey get cut off at the bar? He was starting to sling his words!
  8. What do you call a tipsy monkey? A rumkey!
  9. How do drunk monkeys find their way home? They follow the vine!
  10. Why was the monkey the life of the party? He was always ape-ing around with the drink shaker!
  11. What did the bartender say to the monkey? “I think you’ve had enough, you’re starting to go ape!”
  12. Why don’t monkeys make good bartenders? They get too distracted by the banana liqueur!
  13. What’s a monkey’s favorite beer? Banana Brew!
  14. How do monkeys toast to a good night? “To a night we’ll never rem-ape-ber!”
  15. Why did the monkey refuse the beer? He didn’t want to get a beer belly and ruin his vine figure!
  16. What do you call a monkey who can handle his alcohol? The king of the jungle juice!
  17. Why did the monkey order water at the bar? He was trying to sober up after a wild vineyard tour!
  18. How do you spot a sober monkey at a party? He’s the one not monkeying around!
  19. Why did the monkey only drink fruit punch? He heard it was the best way to avoid a headache in the canopy!
  20. What did the monkey say after a night of too much fruit wine? “I’m never swinging from vine to vine again!”

Mirror Front Monkey Jokes 

  1. Why did the monkey argue with the mirror? It thought its reflection was monkeying around!
  2. What did the monkey say to its reflection? “You’re one good-looking primate!”
  3. Why did the monkey get scared looking in the mirror? It thought it saw a copycat!
  4. How do monkeys fix their hair? They comb it over while making faces in the mirror!
  5. Why did the monkey break the mirror? I couldn’t believe it wasn’t a banana!
  6. What did the monkey do when it saw its reflection for the first time? It tried to start a conversation!
  7. Why was the monkey confused by the mirror? It couldn’t find the other monkey in the room!
  8. What game do monkeys play with mirrors? Peek-a-boo, I see two!
  9. Why did the monkey take a mirror to the jungle gym? To practice its swinging style!
  10. How do you make a monkey laugh using a mirror? Show it its own silly faces!
  11. Why did the monkey always carry a mirror? I liked to reflect on things!
  12. What did the monkey say when it looked in the mirror after waking up? “I look like I’ve been dragged through the jungle backwards!”
  13. Why did the monkey think the mirror was magical? Every time it smiled, the monkey inside smiled back!
  14. How did the monkey use the mirror to play a trick? It convinced another monkey there was a whole new world on the other side!
  15. Why did the monkey take a mirror on a date? To make sure it was always looking its best!
  16. What did the monkey say to its reflection before a big swing? “Let’s show them how it’s done!”
  17. Why did the monkey get upset with the mirror? It wouldn’t laugh at any of its jokes!
  18. How do monkeys decide who’s the fairest of them all? They have a stare-off in the mirror!
  19. Why did the monkey bring a mirror to the fruit feast? To make sure it didn’t get any banana on its face!
  20. What did the monkey say when it saw its reflection with a banana? “Looks like we’re both going bananas!”

Racing Monkey Jokes 

  1. Why did the monkey race the banana? It wanted to see if it could split faster!
  2. What do you call a monkey who loves car races? A speed demon-key!
  3. Why did the monkey get a speeding ticket in the jungle? It was swinging through the vines too fast!
  4. How do monkeys start a race? “Ready, set, banana-go!”
  5. What’s a monkey’s favorite race? The Grand Primate Prix!
  6. Why did the monkey ride a pig in the race? Because it wanted to ham it up at the finish line!
  7. What do monkeys use for racing cars? Banana peels for turbo boost!
  8. Why was the monkey always last in the race? It kept monkeying around at the starting line!
  9. How do monkeys celebrate winning a race? By throwing a banana split party!
  10. Why did the monkey race on a giraffe? It wanted a high-speed chase!
  11. What’s a monkey’s favorite part of a relay race? The hand-off, because it feels like swinging from vine to vine!
  12. Why did the monkey bring a stopwatch to the race? It wanted to beat its personal best time up the tree!
  13. What do you call a monkey who wins every race? A cheetah- I mean, a champion!
  14. Why do monkeys love racing in the rain? They’re experts at slip-streaming!
  15. How do you know if a monkey is a racing fan? It’s always hanging around the finish line!
  16. What did the monkey say before the race? “Let’s make this a fast and fur-ious competition!”
  17. Why did the monkey race in a tuxedo? It wanted to finish in style!
  18. What’s the most challenging race for a monkey? The banana hurdle race!
  19. Why did the monkey race against the tortoise? It wanted an easy win, but boy was it surprised!
  20. How do monkey racers stay focused? They keep their eyes on the prize and their hands on the bananas!

Read more: Racing Jokes

Monkey Jokes for Adults

Monkey Jokes for Adults - Joke Shock
  1. Why did the monkey get promoted at work? It was always willing to go out on a limb!
  2. What do you call a monkey in a corporate boardroom? The chairman of the bored!
  3. Why did the monkey refuse the coffee? It said it was already wired enough from all the vine-swinging.
  4. How do monkeys get through a tough day at work? They tell themselves it’s just a jungle out there.
  5. What did the monkey say after a bad day at work? “I need to find a better branch to hang out on.”
  6. Why was the monkey always calm during stock market crashes? It said, “I’m used to the swings.”
  7. What do you call a monkey with a wine glass? Sophistic-ape-ted.
  8. Why did the monkey take up meditation? It wanted to find its inner peace and outer banana.
  9. What’s a monkey’s favorite kind of investment? Banana bonds!
  10. Why did the monkey start a blog? To share the latest gossip from the grapevine.
  11. How do monkeys break up the monotony of their daily routine? They throw a little monkey wrench into it.
  12. Why did the monkey refuse to play poker? It said the stakes were too high, and didn’t want to go bananas.
  13. What did the monkey say at the fancy dinner party? “I’ll have the bananas foster, hold the foster.”
  14. Why do monkeys make terrible secret agents? They always spill the beans… and the bananas.
  15. What do you call a monkey who’s a connoisseur of fine art? A primate Picasso.
  16. Why did the monkey refuse the job offer? It didn’t want to be part of a corporate zoo.
  17. How do monkeys stay fit? By joining the jungle gym.
  18. Why did the monkey start a podcast? It had a lot of thoughts to ape-xpress.
  19. What’s a monkey’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good beat and a bunch of brass monkeys.
  20. Why did the monkey make a poor philosopher? It couldn’t stop questioning the banana’s existence.


In sum, monkey jokes weave a tapestry of humor that resonates across ages and settings, from the playful to the profound. They remind us to embrace the lighter side of life, offering a chuckle amidst our daily hustle. So whenever you find yourself in need of a smile, just remember: a monkey joke might just be the swing you need to brighten your day.


Yes, monkey jokes can be crafted to suit all ages, from kid-friendly puns to more sophisticated humor for adults.

No, monkey jokes cover a wide range of topics beyond bananas, including business, education, and even technology.

Yes, when chosen carefully, light-hearted monkey jokes can add a touch of humor to professional settings without being inappropriate.

About the author

Rosa Sidqai

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